Our anti thermal products

Multi-Layer Anti-Thermal Image Cape.
Originally designed to be deployed instantly upon detecting the sound of a drone, our anti-thermal cape offers exceptional concealment by shielding the user from thermal imaging systems. This lightweight and portable cape also doubles as a bivvy, allowing operators to conduct covert operations such as setting up observation points or piloting drones while minimizing the risk of detection. This ground-breaking technology has already received positive feedback from front-line troops in Ukraine, with continual refinement based on their needs.
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Anti-Thermal and Radar-Reflective Tank Blanket.
Leveraging our cape’s success, we’ve developed a larger, 2.5m x 1.5m anti-thermal and radar-reflective blanket designed to conceal military vehicles and tanks from surveillance. These blankets can be combined to create randomized shapes that disrupt traditional detection methods. Enhanced with a fire-resistant layer that protects against heat and flames up to 550°C, the blanket not only aids in masking troops and equipment but also offers vital protection from incendiary devices and reduces the risk of damage from fire.
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